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Title: AU-colloids containing optical active waveguides by sol-gel processing and (nonlinear) optical properties
Author(s): Mennig, Martin
Becker, Ulrich
Schmitt, Mike
Schmidt, Helmut K.
Language: English
Year of Publication: 1995
OPUS Source: Advanced materials in optics, electro-optics and communication technologies / ed. by P. Vincenzini ... - Faenza : Techna, 1995. - (Advances in science and technology ; 11), S. 39-46
SWD key words: Gold
DDC notations: 620 Engineering and machine engineering
Publikation type: Conference Paper
Abstract: Optical waveguides based on Au-colloid containing ormocer film with particle size from 10 nm to 40 nm in diameter have been prepared by sol-gel technique. The particles exhibit spherical as well as nonspherical shapes. Nonlinear optical measurements show a X(³) of a value of 2.8 *10(-7) esu for the composite and Xm(³)=2.6*10(-6) esu for the Au-particles.
Link to this record: urn:nbn:de:bsz:291-scidok-27950
ISBN: 88-86538-10-3
Date of registration: 19-Mar-2010
Faculty: SE - Sonstige Einrichtungen
Department: SE - INM Leibniz-Institut für Neue Materialien
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