Erscheinungsjahr | Titel | Autoren |
2024 | Quantifizierung der Fusion von CD63-positiven Vesikeln durch murine cytotoxische T- Lymphozyten mittels Echtzeit-Mikroskopie | Rasuli, Ruth |
2024 | Die Wirkung von Aluminiumlactat und Chlorhexidin enthaltenden Zahnpastasuspensionen auf die Bildung von Biofilmen in situ | Lehnertz, Lea |
2023 | Elderly with Varying Extents of Cardiac Disease Show Interindividual Fluctuating Myocardial TRPC6-Immunoreactivity | Federspiel, Jan Michael; Gartner, Jil; Lipp, Peter; Schmidt, Peter; Tschernig, Thomas |
2022 | Changes in Teacher Burnout and Self-Efficacy During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Interrelations and e-Learning Variables Related to Change | Weißenfels, Marie; Klopp, Eric; Perels, Franziska |
2022 | Using Smartphone Sensor Paradata and Personalized Machine Learning Models to Infer Participants' Well-being: Ecological Momentary Assessment | Hart, Alexander; Reis, Dorota; Prestele, Elisabeth; Jacobson, Nicholas C. |
2022 | Preclinical Testing of Boron-Doped Diamond Electrodes for Root Canal Disinfection—A Series of Preliminary Studies | Koch, Maximilian; Palarie, Victor; Koch, Lisa; Burkovski, Andreas; Zulla, Manuel; Rosiwal, Stefan; Karl, Matthias |
2022 | Material Extrusion of Structural Polymer–Aluminum Joints—Examining Shear Strength, Wetting, Polymer Melt Rheology and Aging | Bechtel, Stephan; Schweitzer, Rouven; Frey, Maximilian; Busch, Ralf; Herrmann, Hans-Georg |
2022 | TRPC6 Is Found in Distinct Compartments of the Human Kidney | Englisch, Colya N.; Röhricht, Daniel; Walz, Mariesa; Junker, Kerstin; Beckmann, Anja; Meier, Carola; Paulsen, Friedrich; Jung, Martin; Tschernig, Thomas |
2022 | Pseudomonas aeruginosa Triggered Exosomal Release of ADAM10 Mediates Proteolytic Cleavage in Trans | Aljohmani, Ahmad; Opitz, Bastian; Bischoff, Markus; Yildiz, Daniela |
2022 | Tissue-Protective Mechanisms of Bioactive Phytochemicals in Flap Surgery | Weinzierl, Andrea; Ampofo, Emmanuel; Menger, Michael D.; Laschke, Matthias W. |
2022 | Scientific Controversies and Epistemological Sensitization - Effects of an Intervention on Psychology Students’ Epistemological Beliefs and Argumentation Skills | Klopp, Eric; Stark, Robin |
2022 | An Exact Solution to the Modified Winding Function for Eccentric Permanent Magnet Synchronous Machines | Klein, Carsten; Pinter, Mira; Palmieri, Marco; Nienhaus, Matthias; Grasso, Emanuele |
2022 | In Silico and Experimental ADAM17 Kinetic Modeling as Basis for Future Screening System for Modulators | Bienstein, Marian; Minond, Dmitriy; Schwaneberg, Ulrich; Davari, Mehdi D.; Yildiz, Daniela |
2022 | The effectiveness of empathy training in health care: a meta-analysis of training content and methods | Paulus, Christoph M.; Meinken, Saskia |
2022 | Tennis expertise reduces costs in cognition but not in motor skills in a cognitive-motor dual-task condition | Amico, Gianluca; Schaefer, Sabine |
2022 | Periodontitis-Derived Dark-NETs in Severe Covid-19 | Vitkov, Ljubomir; Knopf, Jasmin; Krunić, Jelena; Schauer, Christine; Schoen, Janina; Minnich, Bernd; Hannig, Matthias; Herrmann, Martin |
2022 | Liver stiffness as surrogate parameter in emergency assessment for inpatient health care utilization | Kaddu-Mulindwa, Dominic; von Martial, Marius; Thiel-Bodenstaff, Angela; Lesan, Vadim; Ewen, Sebastian; Mahfoud, Felix; Lammert, Frank; Krawczyk, Marcin |
2022 | Uncertainty-aware data pipeline of calibrated MEMS sensors used for machine learning | Dorst, Tanja; Gruber, Maximilian; Seeger, Benedikt; Vedurmudi, Anupam Prasad; Schneider, Tizian; Eichstädt, Sascha; Schütze, Andreas |
2022 | Quantitative analysis of mixed niobium-titanium carbonitride solubility in HSLA steels based on atom probe tomography and electrical resistivity measurements | Webel, Johannes; Mohrbacher, Hardy; Detemple, Eric; Britz, Dominik; Mücklich, Frank |
2022 | In Vitro, Ex Vivo, and In Vivo Evaluation of Nanoparticle-Based Topical Formulation Against Candida albicans Infection | Sadozai, Sajid Khan; Khan, Saeed Ahmad; Baseer, Abdul; Ullah, Rooh; Zeb, Alam; Schneider, Marc |
2022 | Professional Vision and the Compensatory Effect of a Minimal Instructional Intervention: A Quasi-Experimental Eye-Tracking Study With Novice and Expert Teachers | Grub, Ann-Sophie; Biermann, Antje; Lewalter, Doris; Brünken, Roland |
2022 | Ciliary Proteins Repurposed by the Synaptic Ribbon: Trafficking Myristoylated Proteins at Rod Photoreceptor Synapses | Suiwal, Shweta; Dembla, Mayur; Schwarz, Karin; Katiyar, Rashmi; Jung, Martin; Carius, Yvonne; Maxeiner, Stephan; Lauterbach, Marcel A.; Lancaster, C. Roy D.; Schmitz, Frank |
2022 | How to Change Epistemological Beliefs? Effects of Scientific Controversies, Epistemological Sensitization, and Critical Thinking Instructions on Epistemological Change | Klopp, Eric; Stark, Robin |
2022 | Microbiological Characterisation of Community-Acquired Urinary Tract Infections in Bagamoyo, Tanzania: A Prospective Study | Schmider, Joseph; Bühler, Nina; Mkwatta, Hasina; Lechleiter, Anna; Mlaganile, Tarsis; Utzinger, Jürg; Mzee, Tutu; Kazimoto, Theckla; Becker, Sören L. |
2022 | Not All Places Are Equal: Using Instagram to Understand Cognitions and Affect towards Renewable Energy Infrastructures | Vespa, Mariangela; Kortsch, Timo; Hildebrand, Jan; Schweizer-Ries, Petra; Volkmer, Sara Alida |
2022 | Being in-sync: A multimodal framework on the emotional and cognitive synchronization of collaborative learners | Aoyama Lawrence, Lena; Weinberger, Armin |
2022 | Physiologically-based pharmacokinetic modeling of dextromethorphan to investigate interindividual variability within CYP2D6 activity score groups | Rüdesheim, Simeon; Selzer, Dominik; Fuhr, Uwe; Schwab, Matthias; Lehr, Thorsten |
2022 | Exhaled Aldehydes as Biomarkers for Lung Diseases : A Narrative Review | Floss, Maximilian Alexander; Fink, Tobias; Maurer, Felix; Volk, Thomas; Kreuer, Sascha; Müller-Wirtz, Lukas Martin |
2022 | Apical periodontitis after intense bruxism | Gund, Madline P.; Wrbas, Karl-Thomas; Hannig, Matthias; Rupf, Stefan |
2022 | Evaluation of optimal Zernike radial degree for representing corneal surfaces | Omidi, Pooria; Cayless, Alan; Langenbucher, Achim |
2022 | Outcomes of Severe Fungal Keratitis Using in vivo Confocal Microscopy and Early Therapeutic Penetrating Keratoplasty | Sourlis, Chrysovalantis; Seitz, Berthold; Roth, Mathias; Hamon, Loïc; Daas, Loay |
2022 | In Vitro–In Silico Modeling of Caffeine and Diclofenac Permeation in Static and Fluidic Systems with a 16HBE Lung Cell Barrier | Kovar, Lukas; Wien, Lena; Selzer, Dominik; Kohl, Yvonne; Bals, Robert; Lehr, Thorsten |
2022 | Differential development and trainability of self-regulatory abilities among preschoolers | Grüneisen, Lena; Dörrenbächer-Ulrich, Laura; Perels, Franziska |
2022 | Protocol for the diagnosis of keratoconus using convolutional neural networks | Schatteburg, Jan; Langenbucher, Achim |
2022 | The Impact of the First COVID-19 Lockdown Period on the Inpatient and Outpatient Volume of a University Based Tertiary Referral Center with Corneal Subspecialization in Germany | Maiassi, Nadir; Xanthopoulou, Kassandra; Löw, Ursula; Seitz, Berthold |
2022 | Erysense, a Lab-on-a-Chip-Based Point-of-Care Device to Evaluate Red Blood Cell Flow Properties With Multiple Clinical Applications | Recktenwald, Steffen M.; Lopes, Marcelle G. M.; Peter, Stephana; Hof, Sebastian; Simionato, Greta; Peikert, Kevin; Hermann, Andreas; Danek, Adrian; van Bentum, Kai; Eichler, Hermann; Wagner, Christian; Quint, Stephan; Kästner, Lars |
2022 | Increased Respiratory Drive after Prolonged Isoflurane Sedation : A Retrospective Cohort Study | Müller-Wirtz, Lukas Martin; Grimm, Dustin; Albrecht, Frederic Walter; Fink, Tobias; Volk, Thomas; Meiser, Andreas |
2022 | Efficacy of Off-Label Anti-Amoebic Agents to Suppress Trophozoite Formation of Acanthamoeba spp. on Non-Nutrient Agar Escherichia Coli Plates | Muthukumar, Vithusan; Shi, Lei; Chai, Ning; Langenbucher, Achim; Becker, Sören L.; Seitz, Berthold; Orosz, Erika; Stachon, Tanja; Kiderlen, Albrecht F.; Bischoff, Markus; Szentmáry, Nóra |
2022 | Dwarfs on the Shoulders of Giants: Bayesian Analysis With Informative Priors in Elite Sports Research and Decision Making | Hecksteden, Anne; Forster, Sabrina; Egger, Florian; Buder, Felix; Kellner, Ralf; Meyer, Tim |
2022 | Pilot study on the applicability of boron-doped diamond electrodes for tooth whitening | Klär, Virgilia; Palarie, Victor; Burkovski, Andreas; Karl, Matthias; Grobecker-Karl, Tanja |
2022 | Using Facebook advertising data to describe the socio-economic situation of Syrian refugees in Lebanon | Fatehkia, Masoomali; del Villar, Zinnya; Koebe, Till; Letouzé, Emmanuel; Lozano, Andres; Al Feel, Roaa; Mrad, Fouad; Weber, Ingmar |
2022 | Oral hygiene knowledge versus behavior in children: A questionnaire-based, interview-style analysis and on-site assessment of toothbrushing practices | Gund, Madline P.; Bucher, Marina; Hannig, Matthias; Rohrer, Tilman R.; Rupf, Stefan |
2022 | Complete remission of an early-stage laryngeal cancer under combined pembrolizumab and chemotherapy treatment of a synchronous lung adenocarcinoma | Linxweiler, Maximilian; Kühn, Jan Philipp; Neubert, Christian; Khreish, Fadi; Balensiefer, Benedikt; Wagner, Mathias; Schick, Bernhard |
2022 | The impact of electronic monitoring on employees' job satisfaction, stress, performance, and counterproductive work behavior : A meta-analysis | Siegel, Rudolf; König, Cornelius J.; Lazar, Veronika |
2022 | COVID-19-related distress is associated with analogue PTSD symptoms after exposure to an analogue stressor | Friesen, Edith; Michael, Tanja; Schäfer, Sarah K.; Sopp, M. Roxanne |
2022 | COVID-19: a catalyst for the digitization of surgical teaching at a German University Hospital | Wolf, Milan Anton; Pizanis, Antonius; Fischer, Gerrit; Langer, Frank; Scherber, Philipp; Stutz, Janine; Orth, Marcel; Pohlemann, Tim; Fritz, Tobias |
2022 | Flexible and transparent electrodes imprinted from metal nanostructures : morphology and opto-electronic performance | Engel, Lukas F.; González-García, Lola; Kraus, Tobias |
2021 | Big Data in Studying Acute Pain and Regional Anesthesia | Müller-Wirtz, Lukas M.; Volk, Thomas |
2021 | Differential Response of Pentanal and Hexanal Exhalation to Supplemental Oxygen and Mechanical Ventilation in Rats | Müller-Wirtz, Lukas M.; Kiefer, Daniel; Knauf, Joschua; Floss, Maximilian A.; Doneit, Jonas; Wolf, Beate; Maurer, Felix; Sessler, Daniel I.; Volk, Thomas; Kreuer, Sascha; Fink, Tobias |
2021 | Nachhaltige Regionalentwicklung in Naturparken – 10-Jahres-Rückblick und Zukunftsperspektiven | Weber, Florian; Liesen, Jörg; Weber, Friedericke; Crossey, Nora |
2021 | Improvement of Position Estimation of PMSMs Using an Iterative Vector Decoupling Algorithm | Fabbri, Stefano; Schuhmacher, Klaus; Nienhaus, Matthias; Grasso, Emanuele |
2021 | A Comprehensive Review of Detection Methods for SARS-CoV-2 | Eftekhari, Aziz; Alipour, Mahdieh; Chodari, Leila; Maleki Dizaj, Solmaz; Ardalan, Mohammadreza; Samiei, Mohammad; Sharifi, Simin; Zununi Vahed, Sepideh; Huseynova, Irada; Khalilov, Rovshan; Ahmadian, Elham; Cucchiarini, Magali |
2021 | Statins and Bempedoic Acid: Different Actions of Cholesterol Inhibitors on Macrophage Activation | Linnenberger, Rebecca; Hoppstädter, Jessica; Wrublewsky, Selina; Ampofo, Emmanuel; Kiemer, Alexandra K. |
2021 | Mutations That Affect the Surface Expression of TRPV6 Are Associated with the Upregulation of Serine Proteases in the Placenta of an Infant | Fecher-Trost, Claudia; Wolske, Karin; Wesely, Christine; Löhr, Heidi; Klawitter, Daniel S.; Weissgerber, Petra; Gradhand, Elise; Burren, Christine P.; Mason, Anna E.; Winter, Manuel; Wissenbach, Ulrich |
2021 | Shotgun lipidomics of liver and brain tissue of Alzheimer's disease model mice treated with acitretin | Lauer, Anna A.; Janitschke, Daniel; Dos Santos Guilherme, Malena; Nguyen, Vu Thu Thuy; Bachmann, Cornel M.; Qiao, Sen; Schrul, Bianca; Boehm, Ulrich; Grimm, Heike S.; Hartmann, Tobias; Endres, Kristina; Grimm, Marcus O. W. |
2021 | How to Get Better: Taking Notes Mediates the Effect of a Video Tutorial on Number Series | Schneider, Benedikt; Sparfeldt, Jörn R. |
2021 | Dysregulation of cholesterol homeostasis in human lung cancer tissue and tumour-associated macrophages | Hoppstädter, Jessica; Dembek, Anna; Höring, Marcus; Schymik, Hanna S.; Dahlem, Charlotte; Sultan, Afnan; Wirth, Natalie; Al-Fityan, Salma; Diesel, Britta; Gasparoni, Gilles; Walter, Jörn; Helms, Volkhard; Huwer, Hanno; Simon, Martin; Liebisch, Gerhard; Schulz, Marcel H.; Kiemer, Alexandra K. |
2021 | PICO: A Presburger In-bounds Check Optimization for Compiler-based Memory Safety Instrumentations | Jung, Tina; Ritter, Fabian; Hack, Sebastian |
2021 | Photoactivation of Cell-Free Expressed Archaerhodopsin-3 in a Model Cell Membrane | Khangholi, Navid; Finkler, Marc; Seemann, Ralf; Ott, Albrecht; Fleury, Jean-Baptiste |
2021 | Minireview and case report: Duplication of the portal vein and combinations | Ziegler, Laura; Schwarz, Karin; Tschernig, Thomas |
2021 | First Responders to Hyperosmotic Stress in Murine Astrocytes: Connexin 43 Gap Junctions Are Subject to an Immediate Ultrastructural Reorganization | Beckmann, Anja; Recktenwald, Johanna; Ferdinand, Alice; Grißmer, Alexander; Meier, Carola |
2021 | Drosophila Homeodomain-Interacting Protein Kinase (Hipk) Phosphorylates the Hippo/Warts Signalling Effector Yorkie | Steinmetz, Eva Louise; Dewald, Denise Nicole; Walldorf, Uwe |
2021 | Supra-Molecular Assemblies of ORAI1 at Rest Precede Local Accumulation into Puncta after Activation | Peckys, Diana B.; Gaa, Daniel; Alansary, Dalia; Niemeyer, Barbara A.; de Jonge, Niels |
2021 | 5-Methoxybenzothiophene-2-Carboxamides as Inhibitors of Clk1/4: Optimization of Selectivity and Cellular Potency | ElHady, Ahmed K.; El-Gamil, Dalia S.; Chen, Po-Jen; Hwang, Tsong-Long; Abadi, Ashraf H.; Abdel-Halim, Mohammad; Engel, Matthias |
2021 | Combining mass spectrometry and genetic labeling in mice to report TRP channel expression | Wartenberg, Philipp; Lux, Femke; Busch, Kai; Fecher-Trost, Claudia; Wyatt, Amanda; Flockerzi, Veit; Krasteva-Christ, Gabriela; Boehm, Ulrich; Weissgerber, Petra |
2021 | Attacking Key Performance Indicators in Soccer: Current Practice and Perceptions from the Elite to Youth Academy Level | Herold, Mat; Kempe, Matthias; Bauer, Pascal; Meyer, Tim |
2021 | The Accuracy of a Low-Cost GPS System during Football-Specific Movements | Schulze, Emiel; Julian, Ross; Skorski, Sabrina |
2021 | IL-17C contributes to NTHi-induced inflammation and lung damage in experimental COPD and is present in sputum during acute exacerbations | Vella, Giovanna; Ritzmann, Felix; Wolf, Lisa; Kamyschnikov, Andreas; Stodden, Hannah; Herr, Christian; Slevogt, Hortense; Bals, Robert; Beißwenger, Christoph |
2021 | Head Impact Situations in Professional Football (Soccer) | Beaudouin, Florian; Demmerle, Daniel; Fuhr, Christoph; Tröß, Tobias; Meyer, Tim |
2021 | Lysophosphatidic Acid-Activated Calcium Signaling Is Elevated in Red Cells from Sickle Cell Disease Patients | Wang, Jue; Hertz, Laura; Ruppenthal, Sandra; El Nemer, Wassim; Connes, Philippe; Goede, Jeroen S.; Bogdanova, Anna; Birnbaumer, Lutz; Kaestner, Lars |
2021 | Estimating Thermal Material Properties Using Solar Loading Lock-in Thermography | Klein, Samuel; Fernandes, Henrique; Herrmann, Hans-Georg |
2021 | Air Quality Measurements and Education: Improving Environmental Awareness of High School Students | Höfner, Sebastian; Schütze, Andreas |
2021 | Sensorless Pedalling Torque Estimation Based on Motor Load Torque Observation for Electrically Assisted Bicycles | Mandriota, Riccardo; Fabbri, Stefano; Nienhaus, Matthias; Grasso, Emanuele |
2021 | Acceptance, Barriers, and Future Preferences of Mobile Health Among Patients Receiving Trauma and Orthopedic Surgical Care: Paper-Based Survey in a Prospective Multicenter Study | Reinecke, Felix; Dittrich, Florian; Dudda, Marcel; Stang, Andreas; Polan, Christina; Müller, Roman; Beck, Paula; Kauther, Max Daniel |
2021 | The Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate and Its Relation to Cell Shape and Rigidity of Red Blood Cells from Chorea-Acanthocytosis Patients in an Off-Label Treatment with Dasatinib | Rabe, Antonia; Kihm, Alexander; Darras, Alexis; Peikert, Kevin; Simionato, Greta; Dasanna, Anil Kumar; Glaß, Hannes; Geisel, Jürgen; Quint, Stephan; Danek, Adrian; Wagner, Christian; Fedosov, Dmitry A.; Hermann, Andreas; Kästner, Lars |
2021 | Field Study of Metal Oxide Semiconductor Gas Sensors in Temperature Cycled Operation for Selective VOC Monitoring in Indoor Air | Baur, Tobias; Amann, Johannes; Schultealbert, Caroline; Schütze, Andreas |
2021 | Is Extracellular Vesicle-Based Therapy the Next Answer for Cartilage Regeneration? | Velot, Émilie; Madry, Henning; Venkatesan, Jagadeesh K.; Bianchi, Arnaud; Cucchiarini, Magali |
2021 | Nanodiagnosis and Nanotreatment of Cardiovascular Diseases: An Overview | Sabir, Fakhara; Barani, Mahmood; Mukhtar, Mahwash; Rahdar, Abbas; Cucchiarini, Magali; Zafar, Muhammad Nadeem; Behl, Tapan; Bungau, Simona |
2021 | Design of Comb Crack Resistant Milling Inserts: A Comparison of Stresses, Crack Propagation, and Deformation Behavior between Ti(C,N)/α-Al2O3 and Zr(C,N)/α-Al2O3 CVD Coatings | Moreno, Maiara; El Azhari, Idriss; Apel, Daniel; Meixner, Matthias; Wan, Wei; Pinto, Haroldo; Soldera, Flavio; Mücklich, Frank; García, José |
2021 | Modulation Strategies for Anisotropy-Based Position Estimation of PMSMs Using the Neutral Point Voltage | Schuhmacher, Klaus; Kleen, Stephan; May, Chris; Nienhaus, Matthias |
2021 | Measuring Hydrogen in Indoor Air with a Selective Metal Oxide Semiconductor Sensor | Schultealbert, Caroline; Amann, Johannes; Baur, Tobias; Schütze, Andreas |
2021 | Connection between Periodontitis-Induced Low-Grade Endotoxemia and Systemic Diseases: Neutrophils as Protagonists and Targets | Vitkov, Ljubomir; Muñoz, Luis E.; Knopf, Jasmin; Schauer, Christine; Oberthaler, Hannah; Minnich, Bernd; Hannig, Matthias; Herrmann, Martin |
2021 | The Individual Inclination to an Occupation and its Neuronal Correlate | Gurres, Stefan; Dillmann, Klaus-Ulrich; Reith, Wolfgang; Krick, Christoph M. |
2021 | Five Year Follow Up of Extremely Low Gestational Age Infants after Timely or Delayed Administration of Routine Vaccinations | Fortmann, Ingmar; Dammann, Marie-Theres; Humberg, Alexander; Siller, Bastian; Stichtenoth, Guido; Engels, Geraldine; Marißen, Janina; Faust, Kirstin; Hanke, Kathrin; Goedicke-Fritz, Sybelle; Derouet, Christoph; Meyer, Sascha; Stutz, Regine; Kaiser, Elisabeth; Herting, Egbert; Göpel, Wolfgang; Härtel, Christoph; Zemlin, Michael; on behalf of the German Neonatal Network (GNN) and the PRIMAL Consortium |
2021 | Reexamining the Relationship Between Shift Work and Health Behavior: Do Fluid Intelligence, Socio-economic Status, and Self-control Moderate the Relation? | Baum, Myriam A.; Spinath, Frank M.; Hahn, Elisabeth |
2021 | Phosphorylation and Ubiquitylation Regulate Protein Trafficking, Signaling, and the Biogenesis of Primary Cilia | May, Elena A.; Sroka, Tommy J.; Mick, David U. |
2021 | Diffusion-weighted MRI improves response assessment after definitive radiotherapy in patients with NSCLC | Jagoda, Philippe; Fleckenstein, Jochen; Sonnhoff, Mathias; Schneider, Günther; Ruebe, Christian; Buecker, Arno; Stroeder, Jonas |
2021 | Evaluating Different Storage Media for Identification of Taenia saginata Proglottids Using MALDI-TOF Mass Spectrometry | Wendel, Tabea P.; Feucherolles, Maureen; Rehner, Jacqueline; Poppert, Sven; Utzinger, Jürg; Becker, Sören L.; Sy, Issa |
2021 | Rare Anemias: Are Their Names Just Smoke and Mirrors? | Simionato, Greta; van Wijk, Richard; Quint, Stephan; Wagner, Christian; Bianchi, Paola; Kaestner, Lars |
2021 | Syntax-semantics interactions – seeking evidence from a synchronic analysis of 38 languages [version 1; peer review: 1 approved] | Juzek, Tom S.; Bizzoni, Yuri |
2021 | Sex Differences in Cardiovascular Research: A Scientometric Analysis | Millenaar, Dominic; Dillmann, Markus; Fehlmann, Tobias; Flohr, Alexander; Mehran, Roxana; Al-Lamee, Rasha; Lauder, Lucas; Ukena, Christian; Böhm, Michael; Keller, Andreas; Mahfoud, Felix |
2021 | High-Performance VOC Quantification for IAQ Monitoring Using Advanced Sensor Systems and Deep Learning | Robin, Yannick; Amann, Johannes; Baur, Tobias; Goodarzi, Payman; Schultealbert, Caroline; Schneider, Tizian; Schütze, Andreas |
2021 | Quantitative Proteomics and Differential Protein Abundance Analysis after the Depletion of PEX3 from Human Cells Identifies Additional Aspects of Protein Targeting to the ER | Zimmermann, Richard; Lang, Sven; Lerner, Monika; Förster, Friedrich; Nguyen, Duy; Helms, Volkhard; Schrul, Bianca |
2021 | The medium-chain fatty acid decanoic acid reduces oxidative stress levels in neuroblastoma cells | Mett, Janine; Müller, Uli |
2021 | The Low-Molecular Weight Protein Arginine Phosphatase PtpB Affects Nuclease Production, Cell Wall Integrity, and Uptake Rates of Staphylococcus aureus by Polymorphonuclear Leukocytes | Elhawy, Mohamed Ibrahem; Molle, Virginie; Becker, Sören L.; Bischoff, Markus |
2021 | Update on Coagulase-Negative Staphylococci—What the Clinician Should Know | Michels, Ricarda; Last, Katharina; Becker, Sören L.; Papan, Cihan |
2021 | Quantification of Volatile Aldehydes Deriving from In Vitro Lipid Peroxidation in the Breath of Ventilated Patients | Müller-Wirtz, Lukas Martin; Kiefer, Daniel; Ruffing, Sven; Brausch, Timo; Hüppe, Tobias; Sessler, Daniel I.; Volk, Thomas; Fink, Tobias; Kreuer, Sascha; Maurer, Felix |
2021 | Complexity and Specificity of Sec61-Channelopathies: Human Diseases Affecting Gating of the Sec61 Complex | Sicking, Mark; Lang, Sven; Bochen, Florian; Roos, Andreas; Drenth, Joost P. H.; Zakaria, Muhammad; Zimmermann, Richard; Linxweiler, Maximilian |
2021 | Microbiological findings in early and late implant loss: an observational clinical case-controlled study | Korsch, Michael; Marten, Silke‑Mareike; Stoll, Dominic; Prechtl, Christopher; Dötsch, Andreas |
2021 | Retrospective Study: Lateral Ridge Augmentation Using Autogenous Dentin: Tooth-Shell Technique vs. Bone-Shell Technique | Korsch, Michael; Peichl, Marco |
2021 | Influence and compensation of the stator flux on the direct flux control sensorless technique for PMSMs | Grasso, Emanuele; Palmieri, Marco; Mandriota, Riccardo; Gallicchio, Gianvito; Cupertino, Francesco; Nienhaus, Matthias |
2021 | Ni/Al-Hybrid Cellular Foams: An Interface Study by Combination of 3D-Phase Morphology Imaging, Microbeam Fracture Mechanics and In Situ Synchrotron Stress Analysis | Luksch, Jutta; Jung, Anne; Pauly, Christoph; Derr, Ralf; Gruenewald, Patrick; Laub, Marc; Klaus, Manuela; Genzel, Christoph; Motz, Christian; Mücklich, Frank; Schaefer, Florian |
2021 | Fully Polymeric Domes as High-Stroke Biasing System for Soft Dielectric Elastomer Actuators | Neu, Julian; Hubertus, Jonas; Croce, Sipontina; Schultes, Günter; Seelecke, Stefan; Rizzello, Gianluca |
2021 | Quantitative Proteomics and Differential Protein Abundance Analysis after Depletion of Putative mRNA Receptors in the ER Membrane of Human Cells Identifies Novel Aspects of mRNA Targeting to the ER | Bhadra, Pratiti; Schorr, Stefan; Lerner, Monika; Nguyen, Duy; Dudek, Johanna; Förster, Friedrich; Helms, Volkhard; Lang, Sven; Zimmermann, Richard |
2021 | Physiologically Based Pharmacokinetic Modeling of Bupropion and Its Metabolites in a CYP2B6 Drug-Drug-Gene Interaction Network | Marok, Fatima Zahra; Fuhr, Laura Maria; Hanke, Nina; Selzer, Dominik; Lehr, Thorsten |
2021 | Pharmacokinetics of the CYP3A4 and CYP2B6 Inducer Carbamazepine and Its Drug–Drug Interaction Potential: A Physiologically Based Pharmacokinetic Modeling Approach | Fuhr, Laura Maria; Marok, Fatima Zahra; Hanke, Nina; Selzer, Dominik; Lehr, Thorsten |
2021 | Estimating Thermal Material Properties Using Step-Heating Thermography Methods in a Solar Loading Thermography Setup | Klein, Samuel; Heib, Tobias; Herrmann, Hans-Georg |
2021 | Optoacoustically induced auditory brainstem responses in the mouse model enhanced through an absorbing film | Sorg, Katharina; Heimann, Larissa; Moreira Lana, Gabriela; Langenbucher, Achim; Schick, Bernhard; Arzt, Eduard; Wenzel, Gentiana Ioana |
2021 | The Enigmatic Metallothioneins: A Case of Upward-Looking Research | Abdin, Ahmad Yaman; Jacob, Claus; Kästner, Lena |
2021 | Comparison of extraction sites versus artificial defects with xenogenic bone substitute in minipigs | Steiner, Constanze; Karl, Matthias; Laschke, Matthias W.; Schupbach, Peter; Venturato, Andrea; Gasser, Angelines |
2021 | IL-17C and IL-17RE Promote Wound Closure in a Staphylococcus aureus-Based Murine Wound Infection Model | Pätzold, Linda; Stark, Alexandra; Ritzmann, Felix; Meier, Carola; Tschernig, Thomas; Reichrath, Jörg; Bals, Robert; Bischoff, Markus; Beisswenger, Christoph |
2021 | Influence of Cutting Speed in Turning and Force in Subsequent Diamond Smoothing on Magnetic Properties of Steel 100Cr6 | Maurer, Oliver; Liborius, Hendrik; Rauch, Christiane; Bähre, Dirk; Schubert, Andreas |
2021 | Targeted Lipidomics of Mitochondria in a Cellular Alzheimer’s Disease Model | Kurokin, Irina; Lauer, Anna Andrea; Janitschke, Daniel; Winkler, Jakob; Theiss, Elena Leoni; Griebsch, Lea Victoria; Pilz, Sabrina Melanie; Matschke, Veronika; van der Laan, Martin; Grimm, Heike Sabine; Hartmann, Tobias; Grimm, Marcus Otto Walter |
2021 | Functional analysis of enhancer elements regulating the expression of the Drosophila homeodomain transcription factor DRx by gene targeting | Klöppel, Christine; Hildebrandt, Kirsten; Kolb, Dieter; Fürst, Nora; Bley, Isabelle; Karlowatz, Ruth-Jessica; Walldorf, Uwe |
2021 | Acute stroke treatment and outcome in the oldest old (90 years and older) at a tertiary care medical centre in Germany-a retrospective study showing safety and efficacy in this particular patient population | Kauffmann, Jil; Grün, Daniel; Yilmaz, Umut; Wagenpfeil, Gudrun; Faßbender, Klaus; Fousse, Mathias; Unger, Marcus M. |
2021 | MARC1 p.A165T variant is associated with decreased markers of liver injury and enhanced antioxidant capacity in autoimmune hepatitis | Janik, Maciej K.; Smyk, Wiktor; Kruk, Beata; Szczepankiewicz, Benedykt; Górnicka, Barbara; Lebiedzińska-Arciszewska, Magdalena; Potes, Yaiza; Simões, Inês C. M.; Weber, Susanne N.; Lammert, Frank; Więckowski, Mariusz R.; Milkiewicz, Piotr; Krawczyk, Marcin |
2021 | Business Model Innovation Through the Lens of Time: An Empirical Study of Performance Implications Across Venture Life Cycles | Freisinger, Elena; Heidenreich, Sven; Landau, Christian; Spieth, Patrick |
2021 | Enhancer analysis of the Drosophila zinc finger transcription factor Earmuff by gene targeting | Hildebrandt, Kirsten; Kübel, Sabrina; Minet, Marie; Fürst, Nora; Klöppel, Christine; Steinmetz, Eva; Walldorf, Uwe |
2021 | Quantification of Volatile Acetone Oligomers Using Ion-Mobility Spectrometry | Hüppe, Tobias; Lorenz, Dominik; Maurer, Felix; Fink, Tobias; Klumpp, Ramona; Kreuer, Sascha |
2021 | Multipurpose setup used to characterize tribo-electrical properties of electrical contact materials | Alderete, Bruno; Puyol, Rafael; Slawik, Sebastian; Espin, Eric; Mücklich, Frank; Suarez, Sebastian |
2021 | Challenges and Pitfalls for Implementing Digital Health Solutions in Clinical Studies in Europe | Meyerheim, Marcel; Burns-Gebhart, Anna; Mirzaie, Kasra; Garani-Papadatos, Tina; Braun, Yvonne; Graf, Norbert |
2021 | Acceleration of Longitudinal Track and Field Performance Declines in Athletes Who Still Compete at the Age of 100 Years | Ganse, Bergita; Braczynski, Anne Kristin; Hoog Antink, Christoph; Knobe, Matthias; Pohlemann, Tim; Degens, Hans |
2021 | Investigating the Usability of a Head-Mounted Display Augmented Reality Device in Elementary School Children | Lauer, Luisa; Altmeyer, Kristin; Malone, Sarah; Brünken, Roland; Sonntag, Daniel; Peschel, Markus; Barz, Michael |
2021 | Promoting recovery in daily life: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial | Reis, Dorota; Hart, Alexander; Lehr, Dirk; Friese, Malte |
2021 | Indications, feasibility and outcome of robotic retroperitoneal lymph node dissection for metastatic testicular germ cell tumours | Ohlmann, Carsten-Henning; Saar, Matthias; Pierchalla, Laura-Christin; Zangana, Miran; Bonaventura, Alena; Stöckle, Michael; Siemer, Stefan; Heinzelbecker, Julia |
2021 | Organ-Specific Uptake of Extracellular Vesicles Secreted by Urological Cancer Cells | Linxweiler, Johannes; Kolbinger, Anja; Himbert, Dirk; Zeuschner, Philip; Saar, Matthias; Stöckle, Michael; Junker, Kerstin |
2021 | A Self-Sensing Method for Electromagnetic Actuators with Hysteresis Compensation | König, Niklas; Carbon, Yannik; Nienhaus, Matthias; Grasso, Emanuele |
2021 | Short-chain fatty acids and intestinal inflammation in multiple sclerosis: modulation of female susceptibility by microbial products? | Becker, Anouck; Abuazab, Mosab; Schwiertz, Andreas; Walter, Silke; Faßbender, Klaus C.; Fousse, Mathias; Unger, Marcus M. |
2021 | Characterization of micro-RNA in women with different ovarian reserve | Abu-Halima, Masood; Becker, Lea Simone; Ayesh, Basim M.; Baus, Simona Lucia; Hamza, Amer; Fischer, Ulrike; Hammadeh, Mohamad; Keller, Andreas; Meese, Eckart |
2021 | Comparison of different methods for post-therapeutic dosimetry in [177Lu]Lu-PSMA-617 radioligand therapy | Rosar, Florian; Schön, Niklas; Bohnenberger, Hendrik; Bartholomä, Mark; Stemler, Tobias; Maus, Stephan; Khreish, Fadi; Ezziddin, Samer; Schaefer-Schuler, Andrea |
2021 | Quantification of EGFR-HER2 Heterodimers in HER2-Overexpressing Breast Cancer Cells Using Liquid-Phase Electron Microscopy | Peckys, Diana B.; Gaa, Daniel; de Jonge, Niels |
2021 | New Scabimycins A-C Isolated from Streptomyces acidiscabies (Lu19992) | Paulus, Constanze; Zapp, Josef; Luzhetskyy, Andriy |
2021 | Bonsecamin: A New Cyclic Pentapeptide Discovered through Heterologous Expression of a Cryptic Gene Cluster | Lasch, Constanze; Stierhof, Marc; Estévez, Marta Rodríguez; Myronovskyi, Maksym; Zapp, Josef; Luzhetskyy, Andriy |
2021 | Characteristics of Nephroblastoma/Nephroblastomatosis in Children with a Clinically Reported Underlying Malformation or Cancer Predisposition Syndrome | Welter, Nils; Wagner, Angelo; Furtwängler, Rhoikos; Melchior, Patrick; Kager, Leo; Vokuhl, Christian; Schenk, Jens-Peter; Meier, Clemens Magnus; Siemer, Stefan; Gessler, Manfred; Graf, Norbert |
2021 | Defining the Prion Type of Fatal Familial Insomnia | Jürgens-Wemheuer, Wiebke; Wrede, Arne; Schulz-Schaeffer, Walter |
2021 | High temporal-resolution scanning transmission electron microscopy using sparse-serpentine scan pathways | Ortega, Eduardo; Nicholls, Daniel; Browning, Nigel D.; de Jonge, Niels |
2021 | Medium-Chain Length Fatty Acids Enhance Aβ Degradation by Affecting Insulin-Degrading Enzyme | Mett, Janine; Lauer, Anna A.; Janitschke, Daniel; Griebsch, Lea V.; Theiss, Elena L.; Grimm, Heike S.; Koivisto, Hennariikka; Tanila, Heikki; Hartmann, Tobias; Grimm, Marcus O. W. |
2021 | Nanomaterials for the Diagnosis and Treatment of Inflammatory Arthritis | Hosseinikhah, Seyedeh Maryam; Barani, Mahmood; Rahdar, Abbas; Madry, Henning; Arshad, Rabia; Mohammadzadeh, Vahideh; Cucchiarini, Magali |
2021 | Cyclofaulknamycin with the Rare Amino Acid D-capreomycidine Isolated from a Well-Characterized Streptomyces albus Strain | Horbal, Liliya; Stierhof, Marc; Palusczak, Anja; Zapp, Josef; Luzhetskyy, Andriy; Eckert, Nikolas |
2021 | Discovery and Heterologous Production of New Cyclic Depsibosamycins | Stierhof, Marc; Myronovskyi, Maksym; Zapp, Josef; Luzhetskyy, Andriy |
2021 | The Transient Receptor Potential Vanilloid Type 2 (TRPV2) Channel-A New Druggable Ca2+ Pathway in Red Cells, Implications for Red Cell Ion Homeostasis | Egée, Stéphane; Kaestner, Lars |
2021 | A Promiscuous Halogenase for the Derivatization of Flavonoids | Kolling, Dominik; Stierhof, Marc; Lasch, Constanze; Myronovskyi, Maksym; Luzhetskyy, Andriy |
2021 | Intravenous propofol, ketamine (ketofol) and rocuronium after sevoflurane induction provides long lasting anesthesia in ventilated rats | Kiefer, Daniel; Müller-Wirtz, Lukas M.; Maurer, Felix; Hüppe, Tobias; Mathes, Alexander M.; Volk, Thomas; Kreuer, Sascha; Fink, Tobias |
2020 | Wrinkle in the plan: miR-34a-5p impacts chemokine signaling by modulating CXCL10/CXCL11/CXCR3-axis in CD4+, CD8+ T cells, and M1 macrophages | Hart, Martin; Nickl, Laura; Walch-Rueckheim, Barbara; Krammes, Lena; Rheinheimer, Stefanie; Diener, Caroline; Taenzer, Tanja; Kehl, Tim; Sester, Martina; Lenhof, Hans-Peter; Keller, Andreas; Meese, Eckart |
2020 | Dysregulated levels of glycogen synthase kinase-3β (GSK-3β) and miR-135 in peripheral blood samples of cases with nephrotic syndrome | Ardalan, Mohammadreza; Hejazian, Seyyedeh Mina; Sharabiyani, Hassan Fazlazar; Farnood, Farahnoosh; Ghafari Aghdam, Amirhossein; Bastami, Milad; Ahmadian, Elham; Zununi Vahed, Sepideh; Cucchiarini, Magali |
2020 | Applying Ultrashort Pulsed Direct Laser Interference Patterning for Functional Surfaces | Müller, Daniel Wyn; Fox, Tobias; Grützmacher, Philipp G.; Suarez, Sebastian; Mücklich, Frank |
2020 | Protein Kinase CK2 Controls CaV2.1-Dependent Calcium Currents and Insulin Release in Pancreatic β-cells | Scheuer, Rebecca; Philipp, Stephan Ernst; Becker, Alexander; Nalbach, Lisa; Ampofo, Emmanuel; Montenarh, Mathias; Götz, Claudia |
2020 | Candida albicans adhesion to central venous catheters: Impact of blood plasma-driven germ tube formation and pathogen-derived adhesins | Jung, Philipp; Mischo, Clara E.; Gunaratnam, Gubesh; Spengler, Christian; Becker, Sören L.; Hube, Bernhard; Jacobs, Karin; Bischoff, Markus |
2020 | Characterization of CD147, CA9, and CD70 as Tumor-Specific Markers on Extracellular Vesicles in Clear Cell Renal Cell Carcinoma | Himbert, Dirk; Zeuschner, Philip; Ayoubian, Hiresh; Heinzelmann, Joana; Stöckle, Michael; Junker, Kerstin |
2020 | The Allylic Alkylation of Ketone Enolates | Junk, Lukas; Kazmaier, Uli |
2020 | Donor-Stabilized Monocarba-Bridged Bis(cyclopentadienyl)alanes | Haider, Wasim; Huch, Volker; Morgenstern, Bernd; Schäfer, André |
2020 | Augmented reality-enhanced navigation in endoscopic sinus surgery: A prospective, randomized, controlled clinical trial | Linxweiler, Maximilian; Pillong, Lukas; Kopanja, Dragan; Kühn, Jan P.; Wagenpfeil, Stefan; Radosa, Julia C.; Wang, Jingming; Morris, Luc G. T.; Al Kadah, Basel; Bochen, Florian; Körner, Sandrina; Schick, Bernhard |
2020 | The impact of capsaicinoids on APP processing in Alzheimer's disease in SH-SY5Y cells | Grimm, Marcus O.W.; Blümel, Tamara; Lauer, Anna A.; Janitschke, Daniel; Stahlmann, Christoph; Mett, Janine; Haupenthal, Viola J.; Miederer, Anna-Maria; Niemeyer, Barbara A.; Grimm, Heike S.; Hartmann, Tobias |
2020 | How to Study the Metabolism of New Psychoactive Substances for the Purpose of Toxicological Screenings — A Follow-Up Study Comparing Pooled Human Liver S9, HepaRG Cells, and Zebrafish Larvae | Wagmann, Lea; Frankenfeld, Fabian; Park, Yu Mi; Herrmann, Jennifer; Fischmann, Svenja; Westphal, Folker; Müller, Rolf; Flockerzi, Veit; Meyer, Markus R. |
2020 | Estimation of the Adhesion Interface Performance in Aluminum-PLA Joints by Thermographic Monitoring of the Material Extrusion Process | Bechtel, Stephan; Meisberger, Mirko; Klein, Samuel; Heib, Tobias; Quirin, Steven; Herrmann, Hans-Georg |
2020 | Management of hyperkalaemia in acute kidney injury in a heart failure patient with patiromer | Slawik, Jonathan; Dederer, Juliane; Kindermann, Ingrid; Böhm, Michael |
2020 | Adherence to Antihypertensive Drugs Assessed by Hyphenated High-Resolution Mass Spectrometry Analysis of Oral Fluids | Lauder, Lucas; Ewen, Sebastian; Kunz, Michael; Richter, Lilian H. J.; Jacobs, Cathy M.; Kindermann, Ingrid; Böhm, Michael; Meyer, Markus R.; Mahfoud, Felix |
2020 | Molecular epidemiology and antimicrobial resistance of Clostridioides difficile detected in chicken, soil and human samples from Zimbabwe | Berger, Fabian K.; Mellmann, Alexander; Bischoff, Markus; von Müller, Lutz; Becker, Sören L.; Simango, Clifford; Gärtner, Barbara |
2020 | Cancer-associated fibroblasts stimulate primary tumor growth and metastatic spread in an orthotopic prostate cancer xenograft model | Linxweiler, Johannes; Hajili, Turkan; Körbel, Christina; Berchem, Carolina; Zeuschner, Philip; Müller, Andreas; Stöckle, Michael; Menger, Michael D.; Junker, Kerstin; Saar, Matthias |
2020 | On the lifetime of bioinformatics web services | Kern, Fabian; Fehlmann, Tobias; Keller, Andreas |
2020 | Itaconic Acid Increases the Efficacy of Tobramycin against Pseudomonas aeruginosa Biofilms | Ho, Duy-Khiet; De Rossi, Chiara; Loretz, Brigitta; Murgia, Xabier; Lehr, Claus-Michael |
2020 | NLRP3 Is Involved in the Maintenance of Cerebral Pericytes | Quan, Wenqiang; Luo, Qinghua; Tang, Qiqiang; Furihata, Tomomi; Li, Dong; Fassbender, Klaus; Liu, Alex Yang |
2020 | Smartphone and App Usage in Orthopedics and Trauma Surgery: Survey Study of Physicians Regarding Acceptance, Risks, and Future Prospects in Germany | Dittrich, Florian; Back, David Alexander; Harren, Anna Katharina; Landgraeber, Stefan; Reinecke, Felix; Serong, Sebastian; Beck, Sascha |
2020 | Executive Search Consultants' Biases Against Women (or Men?) | Siegel, Rudolf; König, Cornelius J.; Zobel, Yannik |
2020 | Disturbed Presynaptic Ca2+ Signaling in Photoreceptors in the EAE Mouse Model of Multiple Sclerosis | Mukherjee, Amrita; Katiyar, Rashmi; Dembla, Ekta; Dembla, Mayur; Kumar, Praveen; Belkacemi, Anouar; Jung, Martin; Beck, Andreas; Flockerzi, Veit; Schwarz, Karin; Schmitz, Frank |
2020 | Baikalomycins A-C, New Aquayamycin-Type Angucyclines Isolated from Lake Baikal Derived Streptomyces sp. IB201691-2A | Voitsekhovskaia, Irina; Paulus, Constanze; Dahlem, Charlotte; Rebets, Yuriy; Nadmid, Suvd; Zapp, Josef; Axenov-Gribanov, Denis; Rückert, Christian; Timofeyev, Maxim; Kalinowski, Jörn; Kiemer, Alexandra K.; Luzhetskyy, Andriy |
2020 | Identification of a Biosynthetic Gene Cluster Responsible for the Production of a New Pyrrolopyrimidine Natural Product—Huimycin | Shuai, Hui; Myronovskyi, Maksym; Nadmid, Suvd; Luzhetskyy, Andriy |
2020 | Electromagnetically induced transparency in a mono-isotopic 167Er:7LiYF4 crystal below 1 Kelvin: microwave photonics approach | Kukharchyk, Nadezhda; Sholokhov, Dmitriy; Morozov, Oleg; Korableva, Stella L; Kalachev, Alexey A; Bushev, Pavel A |
2020 | Vestigial auriculomotor activity indicates the direction of auditory attention in humans | Strauss, Daniel J.; Corona-Strauss, Farah I.; Schroeer, Andreas; Flotho, Philipp; Hannemann, Ronny; Hackley, Steven A. |
2020 | Enhanced Chondrogenic Differentiation Activities in Human Bone Marrow Aspirates via sox9 Overexpression Mediated by pNaSS-Grafted PCL Film-Guided rAAV Gene Transfer | Venkatesan, Jagadeesh K.; Meng, Weikun; Rey-Rico, Ana; Schmitt, Gertrud; Speicher-Mentges, Susanne; Falentin-Daudré, Céline; Leroux, Amélie; Madry, Henning; Migonney, Véronique; Cucchiarini, Magali |
2020 | Results of advanced core decompression in patients with osteonecrosis of the femoral head depending on age and sex—a prospective cohort study | Serong, Sebastian; Haversath, Marcel; Tassemeier, Tjark; Dittrich, Florian; Landgraeber, Stefan |
2020 | Why Self-Report Measures of Self-Control and Inhibition Tasks Do Not Substantially Correlate | Wennerhold, Lasse Henning; Friese, Malte |
2020 | Effect of physical stimuli on hair follicle deposition of clobetasol-loaded Lipid Nanocarriers | Angelo, Tamara; El-Sayed, Nesma; Jurisic, Marijas; Koenneke, Aljoscha; Gelfuso, Guilherme M; Cunha-Filho, Marcilio; Taveira, Stephania F; Lemor, Robert; Schneider, Marc; Gratieri, Tais |
2020 | Loseolamycins: A Group of New Bioactive Alkylresorcinols Produced after Heterologous Expression of a Type III PKS from Micromonospora endolithica | Lasch, Constanze; Gummerlich, Nils; Myronovskyi, Maksym; Palusczak, Anja; Zapp, Josef; Luzhetskyy, Andriy |
2020 | Running During Encoding Improves Word Learning for Children | Amico, Gianluca; Schaefer, Sabine |
2020 | Electrochemical Disinfection of Dental Implants Experimentally Contaminated with Microorganisms as a Model for Periimplantitis | Koch, Maximilian; Göltz, Maximilian; Xiangjun, Meng; Karl, Matthias; Rosiwal, Stefan; Burkovski, Andreas |
2020 | Regulatory Mechanisms of Somatostatin Expression | Ampofo, Emmanuel; Nalbach, Lisa; Menger, Michael D.; Laschke, Matthias W. |
2020 | EGFR Expression in HER2-Driven Breast Cancer Cells | Weinberg, Florian; Peckys, Diana B.; de Jonge, Niels |
2020 | Protein Kinase CK2 Regulates Nerve/Glial Antigen (NG)2-Mediated Angiogenic Activity of Human Pericytes | Schmitt, Beate M.; Boewe, Anne S.; Becker, Vivien; Nalbach, Lisa; Gu, Yuan; Götz, Claudia; Menger, Michael D.; Laschke, Matthias W.; Ampofo, Emmanuel |
2020 | The Paradox of Astroglial Ca2+ Signals at the Interface of Excitation and Inhibition | Caudal, Laura C.; Gobbo, Davide; Scheller, Anja; Kirchhoff, Frank |
2020 | Microstructural evolution during heating of CNT/Metal Matrix Composites processed by Severe Plastic Deformation | Aristizabal, Katherine; Katzensteiner, Andreas; Bachmaier, Andrea; Mücklich, Frank; Suarez, Sebastian |
2020 | Noninvasive monitoring of liver fat during treatment with GLP‐1 analogues and SGLT‐2 inhibitors in a real‐world setting | Mittag‐Roussou, Vasiliki; Wagenpfeil, Stefan; Lammert, Frank; Stokes, Caroline S. |
2020 | Spectroscopic investigations of negatively charged tin-vacancy centres in diamond | Görlitz, Johannes; Herrmann, Dennis; Thiering, Gergő; Fuchs, Philipp; Gandil, Morgane; Iwasaki, Takayuki; Taniguchi, Takashi; Kieschnick, Michael; Meijer, Jan; Hatano, Mutsuko; Gali, Adam; Becher, Christoph |
2020 | Translation of two-photon microscopy to the clinic: multimodal multiphoton CARS tomography of in vivo human skin | König, Karsten; Breunig, Hans Georg; Goncalves Batista, Ana Maria; Schindele, Andreas; Zieger, Michael; Kaatz, Martin |
2020 | Analysis of Current Ripples in Electromagnetic Actuators with Application to Inductance Estimation Techniques for Sensorless Monitoring | König, Niklas; Nienhaus, Matthias; Grasso, Emanuele |
2020 | Siloxane treatment of metal oxide semiconductor gas sensors in temperature-cycled operation – sensitivity and selectivity | Schultealbert, Caroline; Uzun, Iklim; Baur, Tobias; Sauerwald, Tilman; Schütze, Andreas |
2020 | Effect of Sample Size and Crystal Orientation on the Fatigue Behaviour of Single Crystalline Microbeams | Rafael Velayarce, Jorge; Motz, Christian |
2020 | Analysis of Secure Apps for Daily Clinical Use by German Orthopedic Surgeons: Searching for the "Needle in a Haystack" | Dittrich, Florian; Beck, Sascha; Harren, Anna Katharina; Reinecke, Felix; Serong, Sebastian; Jung, Jochen; Back, David Alexander; Wolf, Milan; Landgraeber, Stefan |
2020 | A small series of pole sport injuries | Dittrich, Florian; Beck, Sascha; Burggraf, Manuel; Busch, Andre; Dudda, Marcel; Jäger, Marcus; Kauther, Max Daniel |
2020 | A Physiologically-Based Pharmacokinetic Model of Trimethoprim for MATE1, OCT1, OCT2, and CYP2C8 Drug–Drug–Gene Interaction Predictions | Türk, Denise; Hanke, Nina; Lehr, Thorsten |
2020 | rAAV-Mediated Overexpression of SOX9 and TGF-β via Carbon Dot-Guided Vector Delivery Enhances the Biological Activities in Human Bone Marrow-Derived Mesenchymal Stromal Cells | Meng, Weikun; Rey-Rico, Ana; Claudel, Mickaël; Schmitt, Gertrud; Speicher-Mentges, Susanne; Pons, Françoise; Lebeau, Luc; Venkatesan, Jagadeesh K.; Cucchiarini, Magali |
2020 | Strategies to Achieve High Strength and Ductility of Pulsed Electrodeposited Nanocrystalline Co-Cu by Tuning the Deposition Parameters | Pratama, Killang; Motz, Christian |
2020 | Macrophages promote network formation and maturation of transplanted adipose tissue-derived microvascular fragments | Später, Thomas; Menger, Maximilian M.; Nickels, Ruth M; Menger, Michael D.; Laschke, Matthias W. |
2020 | Intracellular Ca2+ Concentration and Phosphatidylserine Exposure in Healthy Human Erythrocytes in Dependence on in vivo Cell Age | Bernhardt, Ingolf; Nguyen, Duc Bach; Wesseling, Mauro C.; Kaestner, Lars |
2020 | The Use of Nanomaterials in Tissue Engineering for Cartilage Regeneration; Current Approaches and Future Perspectives | Eftekhari, Aziz; Maleki Dizaj, Solmaz; Sharifi, Simin; Salatin, Sara; Rahbar Saadat, Yalda; Zununi Vahed, Sepideh; Samiei, Mohammad; Ardalan, Mohammadreza; Rameshrad, Maryam; Ahmadian, Elham; Cucchiarini, Magali |
2020 | Analysis and Application of the Direct Flux Control Sensorless Technique to Low-Power PMSMs | Grasso, Emanuele; Palmieri, Marco; Mandriota, Riccardo; Cupertino, Francesco; Nienhaus, Matthias; Kleen, Stephan |
2020 | A Possible Mobile Health Solution in Orthopedics and Trauma Surgery: Development Protocol and User Evaluation of the Ankle Joint App | Dittrich, Florian; Back, David Alexander; Harren, Anna Katharina; Jäger, Marcus; Landgraeber, Stefan; Reinecke, Felix; Beck, Sascha |
2020 | Exhaled Volatile Organic Compounds during Inflammation Induced by TNF-α in Ventilated Rats | Albrecht, Frederic W.; Maurer, Felix; Müller-Wirtz, Lukas M.; Schwaiblmair, Michaela Hedwig; Hüppe, Tobias; Wolf, Beate; Sessler, Daniel I.; Volk, Thomas; Kreuer, Sascha; Fink, Tobias |
2020 | Thioholgamide A, a New Anti-Proliferative Anti-Tumor Agent, Modulates Macrophage Polarization and Metabolism | Dahlem, Charlotte; Siow, Wei Xiong; Lopatniuk, Maria; Tse, William K. F.; Kessler, Sonja M.; Kirsch, Susanne H.; Hoppstädter, Jessica; Vollmar, Angelika M.; Müller, Rolf; Luzhetskyy, Andriy; Bartel, Karin; Kiemer, Alexandra K. |
2020 | A Mechanistic, Enantioselective, Physiologically Based Pharmacokinetic Model of Verapamil and Norverapamil, Built and Evaluated for Drug–Drug Interaction Studies | Hanke, Nina; Türk, Denise; Selzer, Dominik; Wiebe, Sabrina; Fernandez, Éric; Stopfer, Peter; Nock, Valerie; Lehr, Thorsten |
2020 | A Solution to Ambiguities in Position Estimation for Solenoid Actuators by Exploiting Eddy Current Variations | König, Niklas; Nienhaus, Matthias |
2020 | Micromechanical Characterisation of Ni/PU Hybrid Foams | Reis, Martin; König, Kristian; Diebels, Stefan; Jung, Anne |
2020 | Corneae from body donors in anatomy department: valuable use for clinical transplantation and experimental research | Martin, Cristina; Tschernig, Thomas; Loic, Hamon; Daas, Loay; Seitz, Berthold |
2020 | The Marine-Derived Triterpenoid Frondoside A Inhibits Thrombus Formation | Ampofo, Emmanuel; Später, Thomas; Nalbach, Lisa; Menger, Michael D.; Laschke, Matthias W. |
2020 | Training and Transfer of Cue Updating in Older Adults Is Limited: Evidence From Behavioral and Neuronal Data | Kray, Jutta; Ferdinand, Nicola K.; Stenger, Katharina |
2020 | Anti-correlation of HER2 and focal adhesion complexes in the plasma membrane | Weinberg, Florian; Han, Mitchell Kim Liong; Dahmke, Indra Navina; del Campo Bécares, Aránzazu; de Jonge, Niels |
2020 | Learning to Argue From Others’ Erroneous Arguments – Fostering Argumentation Competence Through Learning From Advocatory Errors | Klopp, Eric; Stark, Robin |
2020 | Microstructure Evolution and Mechanical Stability of Supersaturated Solid Solution Co-Rich Nanocrystalline Co-Cu Produced by Pulsed Electrodeposition | Pratama, Killang; Barrirero, Jenifer; Mücklich, Frank; Motz, Christian |
2020 | How Monitor Characteristics Affect Human Perception in Visual Computer Experiments: CRT vs. LCD Monitors in Millisecond Precise Timing Research | Rohr, Michaela; Wagner, Alexander |
2020 | Classification of Bainitic Structures Using Textural Parameters and Machine Learning Techniques | Müller, Martin; Britz, Dominik; Ulrich, Laura; Staudt, Thorsten; Mücklich, Frank |
2020 | A Polyclonal Immune Function Assay Allows Dose-Dependent Characterization of Immunosuppressive Drug Effects but Has Limited Clinical Utility for Predicting Infection on an Individual Basis | Marx, Stefanie; Adam, Claudia; Mihm, Janine; Weyrich, Michael; Sester, Urban; Sester, Martina |
2020 | Dudomycins: New Secondary Metabolites Produced after Heterologous Expression of an Nrps Cluster from Streptomyces albus ssp. Chlorinus Nrrl B-24108 | Lasch, Constanze; Stierhof, Marc; Estévez, Marta Rodríguez; Myronovskyi, Maksym; Zapp, Josef; Luzhetskyy, Andriy |
2020 | NETs Are Double-Edged Swords with the Potential to Aggravate or Resolve Periodontal Inflammation | Vitkov, Ljubomir; Minnich, Bernd; Knopf, Jasmin; Schauer, Christine; Hannig, Matthias; Herrmann, Martin |
2020 | Pharyngeal Carriage of Beta-Haemolytic Streptococcus Species and Seroprevalence of Anti-Streptococcal Antibodies in Children in Bouaké, Côte d’Ivoire | Monemo, Pacôme; Demba, Nadia; Touré, Fidèle S.; Traoré, Adjartou; Avi, Christelle; N’Guessan, Micheline A.; Tadet, Juste O.; Gobey, Arthur R.; Anoh, Augustin E.; Diarrassouba, Abdoulaye; Tuo, Marie N.; Cissé, Amadou; Saric, Jasmina; Utzinger, Jürg; Tia, Honoré; Kouassi-N’Djeundo, Judith; Becker, Sören L.; Akoua-Koffi, Chantal |
2020 | Identification of Adult Fasciola spp. Using Matrix-Assisted Laser/Desorption Ionization Time-of-Flight (MALDI-TOF) Mass Spectrometry | Sy, Issa; Margardt, Lena; Ngbede, Emmanuel O.; Adah, Mohammed I.; Yusuf, Saheed T.; Keiser, Jennifer; Rehner, Jacqueline; Utzinger, Jürg; Poppert, Sven; Becker, Sören L. |
2020 | Curcumin Nanocrystals: Production, Physicochemical Assessment, and In Vitro Evaluation of the Antimicrobial Effects against Bacterial Loading of the Implant Fixture | Negahdari, Ramin; Sharifi, Simin; Ghavimi, Mohammad Ali; Memar, Mohammad Yousef; Khaneshi, Bita; Maleki Dizaj, Solmaz; Eftekhari, Aziz; Cucchiarini, Magali |
2020 | Unexpected high frequency of neurofibroma in the celiac ganglion of German cattle | Dammann, Insa; Wemheuer, Wiebke M.; Wrede, Arne; Wemheuer, Wilhelm E.; Campe, Amely; Petschenka, Jutta; Schulze-Sturm, Ulf; Hahmann, Uwe; Czerny, Claus P.; Münster, Pia; Brening, Bertram; Kreienbrock, Lothar; Herden, Christiane; Schulz-Schaeffer, Walter J. |
2020 | Dysregulation of Endothelial Nitric Oxide Synthase Does Not Depend on Hemodynamic Alterations in Bicuspid Aortic Valve Aortopathy | Gauer, Simon; Balint, Brittany; Kollmann, Catherine; Federspiel, Jan M.; Henn, Dominic; Bandner-Risch, Doris; Schmied, Wolfram; Schäfers, Hans-Joachim |
2020 | Control of Insulin Release by Transient Receptor Potential Melastatin 3 (TRPM3) Ion Channels | Becker, Alexander; Mannebach, Stefanie; Mathar, Ilka; Weissgerber, Petra; Freichel, Marc; Loodin, Asia Perveen; Fecher-Trost, Claudia; Belkacemi, Anouar; Beck, Andreas; Philipp, Stephan Ernst |
2020 | Late-onset native valve endocarditis caused by Corynebacterium kroppenstedtii | Roth, Sophie; Ehrlich, Tristan; Schäfers, Hans-Joachim; Becker, Sören L. |
2020 | Arthroscopic assessment of concomitant intraarticular pathologies in patients with osteonecrosis of the femoral head | Serong, Sebastian; Haubold, Johannes; Theysohn, Jens; Landgraeber, Stefan |
2020 | An allosteric interaction controls the activation mechanism of SHP2 tyrosine phosphatase | Anselmi, Massimiliano; Hub, Jochen S. |
2020 | A common approach for absolute quantification of short chain CoA thioesters in prokaryotic and eukaryotic microbes | Gläser, Lars; Kuhl, Martin; Jovanovic, Sofija; Fritz, Michel; Vögeli, Bastian; Erb, Tobias J.; Becker, Judith; Wittmann, Christoph |
2020 | Antibiotic utilization in hospitalized children under 2 years of age with influenza or respiratory syncytial virus infection - a comparative, retrospective analysis | Papan, Cihan; Willersinn, Meike; Weiß, Christel; Karremann, Michael; Schroten, Horst; Tenenbaum, Tobias |
2020 | Objective homogeneity quantification of a periodic surface using the Gini coefficient | Lechthaler, Björn; Pauly, Christoph; Mücklich, Frank |
2020 | A novel press-fit minimally-invasive symphysiodesis technique | Hopp, Sascha J.; Pizanis, Antonius; Briem, Jeremy; Hahner, Jill; Mettelsiefen, Laura; Herath, Steven C.; Histing, Tina; Pohlemann, Tim; Fritz, Tobias |
2020 | Human blood plasma factors affect the adhesion kinetics of Staphylococcus aureus to central venous catheters | Gunaratnam, Gubesh; Spengler, Christian; Trautmann, Simone; Jung, Philipp; Mischo, Johannes; Wieland, Ben; Metz, Carlos; Becker, Sören L.; Hannig, Matthias; Jacobs, Karin; Bischoff, Markus |
2020 | Evaluation of intra- and interobserver reliability in the assessment of the ‘critical trochanter angle’ | Serong, Sebastian; Schutzbach, Moritz; Zovko, Ivica; Jäger, Marcus; Landgraeber, Stefan; Haversath, Marcel |
2020 | The homeodomain transcription factor Orthopedia is involved in development of the Drosophila hindgut | Hildebrandt, Kirsten; Bach, Nicole; Kolb, Dieter; Walldorf, Uwe |
2020 | A mock circulation loop to test extracorporeal CO2 elimination setups | Schwärzel, Leonie S.; Jungmann, Anna M.; Schmoll, Nicole; Seiler, Frederik; Muellenbach, Ralf M.; Schenk, Joachim; Dinh, Quoc Thai; Bals, Robert; Lepper, Philipp M.; Omlor, Albert J. |
2020 | Pantoprazole impairs fracture healing in aged mice | Menger, Maximilian M.; Bremer, Philipp; Scheuer, Claudia; Rollmann, Mika F.; Braun, Benedikt J.; Herath, Steven C.; Orth, Marcel; Später, Thomas; Pohlemann, Tim; Menger, Michael D.; Histing, Tina |
2020 | Scaffold-Mediated Gene Delivery for Osteochondral Repair | Madry, Henning; Venkatesan, Jagadeesh Kumar; Carballo-Pedrares, Natalia; Rey-Rico, Ana; Cucchiarini, Magali |
2020 | Unique Role of Caffeine Compared to Other Methylxanthines (Theobromine, Theophylline, Pentoxifylline, Propentofylline) in Regulation of AD Relevant Genes in Neuroblastoma SH-SY5Y Wild Type Cells | Janitschke, Daniel; Lauer, Anna A.; Bachmann, Cornel M.; Seyfried, Martin; Grimm, Heike S.; Hartmann, Tobias; Grimm, Marcus O. W. |
2020 | Transient Receptor Potential Vanilloid 6 (TRPV6) Proteins Control the Extracellular Matrix Structure of the Placental Labyrinth | Winter, Manuel; Weissgerber, Petra; Klein, Karolin; Lux, Femke; Yildiz, Daniela; Wissenbach, Ulrich; Philipp, Stephan E.; Meyer, Markus R.; Flockerzi, Veit; Fecher-Trost, Claudia |
2020 | CoolMPS for robust sequencing of single-nuclear RNAs captured by droplet-based method | Hahn, Oliver; Fehlmann, Tobias; Zhang, Hui; Munson, Christy N.; Vest, Ryan T.; Borcherding, Adam; Liu, Sophie; Villarosa, Christian; Drmanac, Snezana; Drmanac, Rade; Keller, Andreas; Wyss-Coray, Tony |
2020 | Random gas mixtures for efficient gas sensor calibration | Baur, Tobias; Bastuck, Manuel; Schultealbert, Caroline; Sauerwald, Tilman; Schütze, Andreas |
2020 | CoolMPS: evaluation of antibody labeling based massively parallel non-coding RNA sequencing | Li, Yongping; Fehlmann, Tobias; Borcherding, Adam; Drmanac, Snezana; Liu, Sophie; Groeger, Laura; Xu, Chongjun; Callow, Matthew; Villarosa, Christian; Jorjorian, Alexander; Kern, Fabian; Grammes, Nadja; Meese, Eckart; Jiang, Hui; Drmanac, Radoje; Ludwig, Nicole; Keller, Andreas |
2020 | Altered Ca2+ Homeostasis in Immune Cells during Aging: Role of Ion Channels | Zöphel, Dorina; Hof, Chantal; Lis, Annette |
2020 | Tactile perception of randomly rough surfaces | Sahli, Riad; Prot, Aubin; Wang, Anle; Müser, Martin H.; Piovarči, Michal; Didyk, Piotr; Bennewitz, Roland |
2019 | A novel gain-of-function mutation of Piezo1 is functionally affirmed in red blood cells by high-throughput patch clamp | Rotordam, Maria G.; Fermo, Elisa; Becker, Nadine; Barcellin, Wilma; Brüggemann, Andrea; Fertig, Niels; Egée, Stéphane; Rapedius, Markus; Bianchi, Paola; Kästner, Lars |
2019 | Untargeted metabolomics by high resolution mass spectrometry coupled to normal and reversed phase liquid chromatography as a tool to study the in vitro biotransformation of new psychoactive substances | Manier, Sascha K.; Keller, Andreas; Schäper, Jan; Meyer, Markus R. |
2019 | Eutectic modification by ternary compound cluster formation in Al-Si alloys | Barrirero, Jenifer; Pauly, Christoph; Engstler, Michael; Ghanbaja, Jaafar; Ghafoor, Naureen; Li, Jiehua; Schumacher, Peter; Odén, Magnus; Mücklich, Frank |
2019 | 4-Pyridoxic Acid/Pyridoxine Ratio in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes is Related to Global Cardiovascular Risk Scores | Obeid, Rima; Geisel, Jürgen; Nix, Wilfred A. |
2019 | Effect of Sec61 interaction with Mpd1 on endoplasmic reticulum-associated degradation. | Pereira, Fabio; Rettel, Mandy; Stein, Frank; Savitski, Mikhail M.; Collinson, Ian; Römisch, Karin |
2019 | Reliable Nanofabrication of Single-Crystal Diamond Photonic Nanostructures for Nanoscale Sensing | Radtke, Mariusz; Nelz, Richard; Slablab, Abdallah; Neu, Elke |
2019 | Role of Dual-Specificity Phosphatase 1 in Glucocorticoid-Driven Anti-inflammatory Responses | Hoppstädter, Jessica; Ammit, Alaina J. |
2019 | Combining Soft Polysilazanes with Melt-Shear Organization of Core–Shell Particles: On the Road to Polymer-Templated Porous Ceramics | Boehm, Anna K.; Ionescu, Emanuel; Koch, Marcus; Gallei, Markus |
2019 | The mRNA-binding Protein TTP/ZFP36 in Hepatocarcinogenesis and Hepatocellular Carcinoma | Kröhler, Tarek; Kessler, Sonja M.; Hosseini, Kevan; List, Markus; Barghash, Ahmad; Patial, Sonika; Laggai, Stephan; Gemperlein, Katja; Haybaeck, Johannes; Müller, Rolf; Helms, Volkhard; Schulz, Marcel H.; Hoppstädter, Jessica; Blackshear, Perry J.; Kiemer, Alexandra K. |
2019 | Facets of Communication: Gap Junction Ultrastructure and Function in Cancer Stem Cells and Tumor Cells | Beckmann, Anja; Hainz, Nadine; Tschernig, Thomas; Meier, Carola |
2019 | SNP and indel frequencies at transcription start sites and at canonical and alternative translation initiation sites in the human genome | Neininger, Kerstin; Marschall, Tobias; Helms, Volkhard |
2019 | Drosophila Homeodomain-Interacting Protein Kinase (Hipk) Phosphorylates the Homeodomain Proteins Homeobrain, Empty Spiracles, and Muscle Segment Homeobox | Steinmetz, Eva Louise; Dewald, Denise Nicole; Luxem, Nadine; Walldorf, Uwe |
2019 | Translational PBPK Modeling of the Protein Therapeutic and CD95L Inhibitor Asunercept to Develop Dose Recommendations for Its First Use in Pediatric Glioblastoma Patients | Hanke, Nina; Kunz, Claudia; Thiemann, Meinolf; Fricke, Harald; Lehr, Thorsten |
2019 | STIM-Orai Channels and Reactive Oxygen Species in the Tumor Microenvironment | Frisch, Janina; Angenendt, Adrian; Hoth, Markus; Prates Roma, Leticia; Lis, Annette |
2019 | Protein Kinase CK2—A Putative Target for the Therapy of Diabetes Mellitus? | Ampofo, Emmanuel; Nalbach, Lisa; Menger, Michael D.; Montenarh, Mathias; Götz, Claudia |
2019 | Analysis and Exploitation of the Star-Point Voltage of Synchronous Machines for Sensorless Operation | Grasso, Emanuele; Mandriota, Riccardo; König, Niklas; Nienhaus, Matthias |
2019 | Topology Consistency of Disease-specific Differential Co-regulatory Networks | Nazarieh, Maryam; Rajula, Hema Sekhar Reddy; Helms, Volkhard |
2019 | Kinetic and spectroscopic responses of pH-sensitive nanoparticles: influence of the silica matrix | Clasen, Anne; Wenderoth, Sarah; Tavernaro, Isabella; Fleddermann, Jana; Kraegeloh, Annette; Jung, Gregor |
2019 | Effects of Arteriovenous Fistula on Blood Pressure in Patients With End-Stage Renal Disease: A Systematic Meta-Analysis | Scholz, Sean S.; Vukadinović Davor, Davor; Lauder, Lucas; Ewen, Sebastian; Ukena, Christian; Townsend, Raymond R; Wagenpfeil, Stefan; Böhm, Michael; Mahfoud, Felix |
2019 | Low voltage operation of a silver/silver chloride battery with high desalination capacity in seawater | Srimuk, Pattarachai; Husmann, Samantha; Presser, Volker |
2019 | Prevalence of Giardia intestinalis Infection in Schistosomiasis-Endemic Areas in South-Central Mali | Fofana, Hassan K.M.; Schwarzkopf, Maren; Doumbia, Mama N.; Saye, Rénion; Nimmesgern, Anna; Landouré, Aly; Traoré, Mamadou S.; Mertens, Pascal; Utzinger, Jürg; Sacko, Moussa; Becker, Sören L. |
2019 | Hepatocellular Carcinoma and Nuclear Paraspeckles: Induction in Chemoresistance and Prediction for Poor Survival | Kessler, Sonja M.; Hosseini, Kevan; Hussein, Usama Khamis; Kim, Kyoung Min; List, Markus; Schultheiß, Christina S.; Schulz, Marcel H.; Laggai, Stephan; Jang, Kyu Yun; Kiemer, Alexandra |
2019 | Connexins and Gap Junctions in Cancer of the Urinary Tract | Tschernig, Thomas |
2019 | Substitution of cysteines in the yeast viral killer toxin K1 precursor reveals novel insights in heterodimer formation and immunity | Gier, Stefanie; Lermen, Matthias; Schmitt, Manfred J.; Breinig, Frank |
2019 | Toll-Like Receptor 2 Release by Macrophages: An Anti-inflammatory Program Induced by Glucocorticoids and Lipopolysaccharide | Hoppstädter, Jessica; Dembek, Anna; Linnenberger, Rebecca; Dahlem, Charlotte; Barghash, Ahmad; Fecher-Trost, Claudia; Fuhrmann, Gregor; Koch, Marcus; Kraegeloh, Annette; Huwer, Hanno; Kiemer, Alexandra |
2019 | Early evaluation of corneal collagen crosslinking in ex-vivo human corneas using two-photon imaging | Goncalves Batista, Ana Maria; Breunig, Hans Georg; Hager, Tobias; Seitz, Berthold; König, Karsten |
2019 | Mathematical modeling of drug-induced receptor internalization in the HER2-positive SKBR3 breast cancer cell-line | Fehling-Kaschek, Mirjam; Peckys, Diana B.; Kaschek, Daniel; Timmer, Jens; de Jonge, Niels |
2019 | IGF2 mRNA Binding Protein 2 Transgenic Mice Are More Prone to Develop a Ductular Reaction and to Progress Toward Cirrhosis | Czepukojc, Beate; Abuhaliema, Ali; Barghash, Ahmad; Tierling, Sascha; Naß, Norbert; Simon, Yvette; Körbel, Christina; Cadenas, Cristina; van Hul, Noemi; Sachinidis, Agapios; Hengstler, Jan G; Helms, Volkhard; Laschke, Matthias W.; Walter, Jörn; Haybaeck, Johannes; Leclercq, Isabelle; Kiemer, Alexandra; Kessler, Sonja M. |
2019 | Studies on the in vitro and in vivo metabolism of the synthetic opioids U-51754, U-47931E, and methoxyacetylfentanyl using hyphenated high-resolution mass spectrometry | Nordmeier, Frederike; Richter, Lilian H. J.; Schmidt, Peter H.; Schaefer, Nadine; Meyer, Markus R. |
2019 | High prevalence of ESBL-producing Klebsiella pneumoniae in clinical samples from central Côte d'Ivoire | Müller-Schulte, Eloise; Tuo, Marie Nonfra; Akoua-Koffi, Chantal; Schaumburg, Frieder; Becker, Sören L. |
2019 | Modeling and Optimizing Energy Supply and Demand in Home Area Power Network (HAPN) | Minhas, Daud Mustafa; Frey, Georg |
2019 | Image quality to estimate ventricular ejection fraction by last year medical students improves after short courses of training | Hüppe, Tobias; Groesdonk, Heinrich Volker; Volk, Thomas; Wagenpfeil, Stefan; Wallrich, Benedict |
2019 | Electrochemical Disinfection of Experimentally Infected Teeth by Boron-Doped Diamond Electrode Treatment | Böhm, Anna-Lena; Koch, Maximilian; Rosiwal, Stefan; Burkovski, Andreas; Karl, Matthias; Grobecker-Karl, Tanja |
2019 | Influence of In-Situ Electrochemical Oxidation on Implant Surface and Colonizing Microorganisms Evaluated by Scanning Electron Microscopy | Göltz, Maximilian; Koch, Maximilian; Detsch, Rainer; Karl, Matthias; Burkovski, Andreas; Rosiwal, Stefan |
2019 | Effects of rAAV-Mediated sox9 Overexpression on the Biological Activities of Human Osteoarthritic Articular Chondrocytes in Their Intrinsic Three-Dimensional Environment | Daniels, Oliver; Frisch, Janina; Venkatesan, Jagadeesh K.; Rey-Rico, Ana; Schmitt, Gertrud; Cucchiarini, Magali |
2019 | Spatio-Temporal Neural Changes After Task-Switching Training in Old Age | Dörrenbächer, Sandra; Schütz, Chiara; Woirgardt, Marc; Wu, C. Carolyn; Zimmer, Hubert D.; Kray, Jutta |
2019 | Does intraoperative bone density testing correlate with parameters of primary implant stability? A pilot study in minipigs | Grobecker-Karl, Tanja; Palarie, Victor; Schneider, Sonja; Karl, Matthias |
2019 | Remodeling of Human Osteochondral Defects via rAAV-Mediated Co-Overexpression of TGF-β and IGF-I from Implanted Human Bone Marrow-Derived Mesenchymal Stromal Cells | Morscheid, Stephanie; Venkatesan, Jagadeesh Kumar; Rey-Rico, Ana; Schmitt, Gertrud; Cucchiarini, Magali |
2019 | High glucose exposure promotes proliferation and in vivo network formation of adipose-tissue-derived microvascular fragments | Laschke, M.W.; Seifert, M.S.; Scheuer, C.; Kontaxi, E.; Metzger, W.; Menger, M.D. |
2019 | Effect of endometriosis on the fecal bacteriota composition of mice during the acute phase of lesion formation | Hantschel, Josefine; Weis, Severin; Schäfer, Karl-Herbert; Menger, Michael D.; Kohl, Matthias; Egert, Markus; Laschke, Matthias W. |
2019 | Synthesis, Structure, and Reactivity of Disiloxa[3]tetrelocenophanes | Wirtz, Lisa; Jourdain, Matthias; Huch, Volker; Zimmer, Michael; Schäfer, André |
2019 | Insulin-like growth factor 1 stimulates the angiogenic activity of adipose tissue-derived microvascular fragments | Laschke, Matthias W.; Kontaxi, Elena; Scheuer, Claudia; Heß, Alexander; Karschnia, Philipp; Menger, Michael D. |
2019 | Stability of Propofol (2,6-Diisopropylphenol) in Thermal Desorption Tubes during Air Transport | Maurer, Felix; Geiger, Martin; Volk, Thomas; Sessler, Daniel I.; Kreuer, Sascha; Hüppe, Tobias |
2019 | Micromechanical investigations of CVD coated WC-Co cemented carbide by micropillar compression | El Azhari, Idriss; García, José; Zamanzade, Mohammad; Soldera, Flavio; Pauly, Christoph; Motz, Christian; Llanes, Luis; Mücklich, Frank |
2019 | ClpC affects the intracellular survival capacity of Staphylococcus aureus in non-professional phagocytic cells | Gunaratnam, Gubesh; Tuchscherr, Lorena; Elhawy, Mohamed I.; Bertram, Ralph; Eisenbeis, Janina; Spengler, Christian; Tschernig, Thomas; Löffler, Bettina; Somerville, Greg A; Jacobs, Karin; Herrmann, Mathias; Bischoff, Markus |
2019 | The Evolution of Erythrocytes Becoming Red in Respect to Fluorescence | Hertz, Laura; Ruppenthal, Sandra; Simionato, Greta; Quint, Stephan; Kihm, Alexander; Abay, Asena; Petkova-Kirova, Polina; Boehm, Ulrich; Weissgerber, Petra; Wagner, Christian; Laschke, Matthias W.; Kaestner, Lars |
2019 | Maslinic acid alleviates ischemia/reperfusion-induced inflammation by downregulation of NFκB-mediated adhesion molecule expression | Ampofo, Emmanuel; Berg, Julian J.; Menger, Michael D.; Laschke, Matthias W. |
2019 | Predictors of Refugee Adjustment: The Importance of Cognitive Skills and Personality | Hahn, Elisabeth; Richter, David; Schupp, Jürgen; Back, Mitja D. |
2019 | Micro-RNA 150-5p predicts overt heart failure in patients with univentricular hearts | Abu-Halima, Masood; Meese, Eckart; Saleh, Mohamad Ali; Keller, Andreas; Abdul-Khaliq, Hashim; Raedle-Hurst, Tanja |
2019 | The N-terminus of Sec61p plays key roles in ER protein import and ERAD | Elia, Francesco; Yadhanapudi, Lalitha; Tretter, Thomas; Römisch, Karin |
2019 | Enabling a new method of dynamic field-effect gas sensor operation through lithium-doped tungsten oxide | Rodner, Marius; Bastuck, Manuel; Schütze, Andreas; Andersson, Mike; Huotari, Joni; Puustinen, Jarkko; Lappalainen, Jyrki; Sauerwald, Tilman |
2019 | Low miR-150-5p and miR-320b Expression Predicts Reduced Survival of COPD Patients | Keller, Andreas; Ludwig, Nicole; Fehlmann, Tobias; Kahraman, Mustafa; Backes, Christina; Kern, Fabian; Vogelmeier, Claus F.; Diener, Caroline; Fischer, Ulrike; Biertz, Frank; Herr, Christian; Jörres, Rudolf A.; Lenhof, Hans-Peter; Bals, Robert; Meese, Eckart |
2019 | Micro-RNA signatures in monozygotic twins discordant for congenital heart defects | Abu-Halima, Masood; Weidinger, Josephin; Poryo, Martin; Henn, Dominic; Keller, Andreas; Meese, Eckart; Abdul-Khaliq, Hashim |
2019 | Propofol Versus 4-hydroxybutyric Acid in Pediatric Cardiac Catheterizations | Sauer, Harald; Gruenzinger, Laura; Pfeifer, Jochen; Graeber, Stefan; Abdul-Khaliq, Hashim |
2019 | Integrating Culture-based Antibiotic Resistance Profiles with Whole-genome Sequencing Data for 11,087 Clinical Isolates | Galata, Valentina; Laczny, Cédric C.; Backes, Christina; Hemmrich-Stanisak, Georg; Schmolke, Susanne; Franke, Andre; Meese, Eckart; Herrmann, Mathias; von Müller, Lutz; Plum, Achim; Müller, Rolf; Stähler, Cord; Posch, Andreas E.; Keller, Andreas |